
Monday, July 8, 2013

Effective Communication Skill

Effective Communication Skill

To communicate with people, be aware of how many and who they are. Notice that you will speak differently to three people from how you will speak to one, even on the same subject. People who do not a lot of public speaking to large audiences are often unable to talk to a single person on a on to one basis. If you have identified this as your problem, that you address different people differently in different situations, practice to correct it except in cases where you choose to do it deliberately. But learn to tell the difference. Some silly thing you re not supposed to do while communication. 

We have stated some explanations those never tried to make communication with others:

Never try to explain a subject when you don't know enough about it

Expressing your knowledge or Teaching something is a great way to learn it, but do not waste your own or other's time by teaching something you don't know in depth. 

Try not to use the Telephone as a means of Communication

The Telephone, which ought to be used as a convenience form of communication for too many people, replacing the written word and the face to face meeting. That's not good for batter communication, because it is almost impossible to make real contact over a telephone. When you can see the person you are talking to, you can guess his understanding in hundred subtle ways, including his body language and facial expression.

Stop using the word "Opinion"

"Opinion" is often used to mask or glorify a dumb idea. And all opinions are not equal. Many of them are just plain wrong. A tightly held opinion is the hallmark of a mind closed just as tightly. Open your mind and let out those stale opinions.

Do not afraid to be wrong

If you ever be afraid to be wrong. this fear will hold back your intellectual development. It is almost impossible to see your flaws in communication unless you are communicating with others who will point them out or question your statement closely. Respond openly, not defensively, to the challenge. This is perhaps the best opportunity you will get to discover your errors and correct them. If you can't get used to admitting your mistakes, it is unlikely you will ever get beyond them. Admit you are wrong and embrace the truth gladly.

Do not defend your Point of View against every criticism

Most points of view have bad aspects as well as good ones. That doesn't necessarily mean that you have made the wrong choice. But if you knock yourself out trying to prove to a critical listener that you are right on every point that's been attacked and if you are proved wrong, then the rest of your argument will tend to lose its credibility. In the same way learn that exaggeration doesn't strengthen an argument, rather it weakens it by reducing the credibility of the speaker.

Don't raise your Voice

Don't shout, argue or raise your Voice for a month. If what you say has merit, communicating it calmly will be as effective than raising your voice. Practice getting your ideas across quietly or not at all.If you really want to get somebody's attention, lower your voice, even to whisper. You will be surprised at how many people will strain to here you.