
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Building Attention Span and Senses

"Attention is a highly directed process. Change the focus of attention, the area of interest, and totally new sensory data flow in. This changes depends on such things as alertness, degree of concentration and areas of interest."

Attention Span and Senses

Before you can expand your intellectual horizons in the area of information processing, comprehension and perspective, it is imperative that you increase your attention span and expand the perceptions of your senses. Think of the brain as a switching center, like that of a giant railroad, sending different trains down different tracks all at the same time. You always want to be awake at the switch.

When one thinks "short attention span," one almost always identifies it with very young children, and that is as  ought to be. Toddlers are so curious about everything that they will drop an activity in the middle to pick up some thing else that catches their eye. So do chimpanzees. But we adult humans should have enough adjustments to stick to a job until it is done, and with anyone of powerful intelligence. When building your own intelligence, building your attention span first is a critical factor.

Intelligent test require you to correctly repeat a sentence you have just heard, the gist of longer passage memory and series of numbers. Sentence memory, passage memory and digit memory are based on the span  of your attention and are tests of that span and how well you are able to focus it.

The scoring on your own attention span, you receive credit on the sentence memory and the digit sequence only if you repeat every word of the sentence exactly, down to the last syllable, or the digit in their correct order, down to the last numeral.Muff a word or a number, and you receive no score. You are, however, given credit only if you can recall only if you can recall every salient points.

You attention, focus, alertness and concentration is highly required to build brain power. When yo want to remember some sentence, you need to repeat sentences word for word. When yo want to remember some passage, keep the salient points in the same order as you hear them. When yo want to remember some digit series, repeat the digits in the same sequences that you hear them. 

Try following to Build attention span and senses

  • Work on one task at a time
  • Finish what you start
  • Finish an old project first
  • Do all little things a once
  • Sleep less
  • Do not sleep on a problem unsettled
  • Do not eat unless you are hungry
  • Delegate responsibility
  • Learn how to prepare
  • Try not to watch Television at least once in a week
  • Do not drink or eat at your Desk
  • Do not tie a break to the clock