
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mathematics a useful tools

What is Mathematics


Mathematics is something agreed upon in communication. The language of Mathematics differs from everyday life, because it is essentially a rationally planned language. Mathematics allows you a extend your intellectual reach in that way it's similar to the pole a maintenance man uses to unscrew a ceiling light bulb that's out of his reach. It is a tool, there for you to use once you have learned to use it. On one hand, numbers are absolute and authoritative. They don't give an inch. An answer is either right or wrong. This absolutism terrifies many people and turns them off. 

Mathematics will serve you extremely well in your day to day life, in your home, in your workplace, and in the many areas of intellectual thought you may be exploring. You can trust math. Numbers are friends that are unchanging in their loyalty to the intellect. 

When you understand how numbers function with mathematical precision, you will save anything from little bits of time to huge blocks of time. It helps a person to make choices based on reality and logic rather than on guess work. A mathematically logical point of view helps you to take into account all possible factors and weigh them unemotionally according to their relative significance before adding in the emotional factors. Thinking mathematically will help you separate emotion and intellect confusing the two is absolute anathema to powerful intellectual functioning. 

There is nothing wrong with taking emotional factors into account as long as you recognize them for what they are feelings and not facts. A sound mathematical mind will help you discover which facts truly impact on any given situation and which have nothing to do with it.