
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Building Physical Orientation

Steps to Build Intellectual Orientation

Physical and Mental Orientation

Physical orientation entails seeing where you find yourself in your surroundings. This means you have to learn about your surroundings before you can place yourself within them.

Mental orientation is a bit more difficult. It requires attention to more than what your eyes see. It requires orientation to things such as days and dates. If you are not sure what day it is, you are wandering on the edge   of the woods. If you do not know what month it is, yo have taken the wrong path and all the trees are starting to look alike. And it you are still writing the wrong year on your checks every April, the robins will come and cover you with leaves. 

Intellectual orientation is a combination of the first two, producing what we will call situational orientation. With this kings of orientation, you are aware of both the seem and the unseen environments, which affords you the capacity to act with as much power thinking as is needed for the situation.

With Intellectual and Mental orientation a person can become very well oriented mentally. He would memorized the dates of every significant event in recent past. He does not bother to carry an address book because he knows everybody's address and telephone number as well as their birth date by heart. He jumps around eagerly in his seat until the instructor calls upon him to work a math problem on the blackboard in front of hundred fellow students. Yet, intellectual as he appears to be, there's something very odd about him. His il fitting clothes are thrown on with no correction of style and patterns. he gets tired just watching other guys working out at the gym. he very seldom has a date. Out of mind, out of sight. Thus, the person who is capable at both physical and mental orientations has genuine intellectual orientation. He can take what life dishes out, and who can handle most situations and encounters with calm assurance.

If you finds some place and you have map, look only once at the map, then go. Use your eyes, your memory, and your sense of orientation instead. When somebody gives you directions to a new place, write them down, read them through, and carry them with you, but try not to use them unless you are lost and / or running out of time. The same goes for maps. Check the map before setting out, figure out how you are going to get where you are headed, then put the map away and simply concentrate on getting there. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Mental Tools Approach

Mental Tools Extend Your Mental Reach

Mental Tools

Mathematics is a function of the logical, reasoning brain.which often relies upon tools to extend its reach. Your body clock is part of your intuitive functioning, and you should strip away all outside mechanisms and allow your intuition to develop its full range. Mathematics is an absolute. it is either right or wrong, black or white. Your intuition is a flexible, sensitive instrument that requires a difference kind of honing.

As your sense of time  improves, you will fell a "keening' of sensitivity, a triumphant feeling that will make you want to continue its development in other areas. There are two levels of sensitivity. the first, the external or sensitivity to your surroundings, is far easier to achieve. Here's another external approach.

*  Read the best of the Mystery Novels 
*  Turn into Yourself
*  Become your own Instrument of measure
*  Study Spelling

As you build both your insight and your intuition, the time comes when you must combine them to read what we call "the fine print of life." Everyday, you are bombarded by glowing promises from advertisers,  politicians, clergymen and others. You are called upon again and again to make decisions based on what others tell you. in almost every case, however, what they leave out is as important as what they say. Allow your intuition and your insight to lead you to discover what the pitchman doesn't tell you.

If your intuition tells you not to accept something completely, listen to it. Use insight to read the fine print or between the lines. It may change your attitude. As you work on the Mental Tools approaches, you will begin to feel a kind of peripheral intellectual vision, a greater trust in your own abilities and capabilities, and a sense that you can grasp and make successful use of everything within your range and even begin to extend it.

Solve Number Series

Work on Solving Number Series

Number Series

Number series, which are given on most intelligence tests and which you will find in a good paperback puzzle book. They focus your scan tightly, thereby making your search a little easier and helping you to define and hone the process.

The difference with number series and insight in general is that with number you must take extra trouble to 'lock in' on a find, then proceed to check its accuracy. If your answer comes up incorrect, you 'lock in' on another find, over and over until you find the one that really works, the one that satisfies the requirements of the series. By doing this repeatedly, you will learn to can much more efficiently. Here's an example of a number series:

Exercise  :    4      9      25      49      81       (?)            -        (Find last number)

The correct answer is 121, that i s 11 x 11. And here is how to arrive at that solution.

The first successful step you take in your scanning process, your first insight into solving the problem is noticing that the above numbers are all squares: 4 is  2 x 2;  9 is 3 x 3; 25 is 5 x 5 ; 49 is  7 x 7; 81 is 9 x 9. therefore the square root number series would read:

                    2      3      5      7      9       (?)

Scan that series, and your second insight will be that the above are all prime numbers, numbers which can be evenly divided only by themselves  and by 1. Logically, then the next number in that series would have to be the sixth prime number, 11. Going back to the original series. the answer would be 11 squared, or 121.

The following number series problems will offer you some practice. Now you know that your first step. your first insight is to determine what the given numbers have in common so that you can extrapolate that similarity to discover the unknown number.

Exercise 1  :    2      9      28        65      126       (?)            -        (Find last number)

Exercise 2  :    5      25      61      113    181       (?)            -        (Find last number)

Exercise 3  :    7      22     52      102     178       (?)            -        (Find last number)


Exercise 1  :    271

Exercise 2  :    265

Exercise 3  :    286